Beginning in May 1966, the state allocated 102 thousand pounds to prepare Hurghada airport to receive jet planes carrying tourist groups in response to the desire of tourism companies to land planes coming from Europe directly instead of landing at Cairo airport and then travel to Hurghada, but after the 1967 war was allocated to the war effort Until the victory of October 1973 and with the beginning of the peace talks, the Authority in November 1977 prepared and operated part of this airport for civil aviation flights.
The airport is 6 km from the city
The airport handles about 8062645 passengers annually from various nationalities around the world.
Airlines and Aircraft Models:
 - The airport serves more than 130 airlines of various nationalities other than private companies, for example the top 15 companies in the airport for the year 2013. The airport is also equipped to receive different types of aircraft types of heavy, medium and light.