The Grand Canal in Venice is considered the water channel that forms one of the main waterways in Venice, and the end of the channel leads to Lake Venice, which is near the Saint Lucia railway station. The canal extends about 3800 meters and a width ranging from 30 to 90 meters and the average depth of the channel 5 meters The channel takes the form of an inverted "s" in the English language.

The most important activities of the Grand Canal in Venice
• You can rent the boat from the beginning of the channel, stroll the canal in the sunshine, and watch the gun that many Arab poets sing.

• You can see the lined buildings on the banks of the canal and see the four bridges, the oldest of which is the Rialto Bridge, which was built in the sixteenth century.

You can take pictures of the wonderful memorials of this charming city in its magnificent splendor with its natural scenery, where the trip in the heart of the Grand Canal is considered one of the most important tourist activities in the city of Venice