The historical mosque of Jawatha in Al-Ahsa is of special importance, as it is the second mosque where I prayed Friday prayers in Islam after the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.

The mosque is located about 20 kilometers towards the northeast of the city of Hofuf, and this mosque was built for the first time during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, where it was built (the sons of Abdul Qais) who were living at the time of Ahsa. The rules of this mosque still exist today.

The history of the mosque dates back to the beginning of the Islamic era, where the area was inhabited by the tribe of Bani Abdul Qais, who had the lead in converting to Islam and working with its teachings and jihad under his banner. It is noteworthy that the ruler of Abdul Qais al-Mundhir ibn 'Ayed, nicknamed al-Ashj, upon learning of the appearance of Muhammad - peace be upon him - sent a messenger to Mecca to clarify the matter. Al-Hamdani mentioned it as a city in Bahrain, as well as al-Bakri, and was famous in history, geography, and literature in the city of prosperity.

It is known that Joatha is a commercial center for commercial caravans and back from it loaded with dates goods, agricultural products and perfumes, and may have been a commercial market to which the trade of the south of the Arabian Peninsula for its privileged location, where it is located on the caravan road from the coast to central Arabia. Its construction continued during the early Islamic periods. The Charity Foundation adopted the restoration of the mosque as part of the "Historic Mosque Reconstruction Program", which was initiated by the Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, and then joined by the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage.