Gutenberg Square is one of the city's largest and most important tourist attractions in Strasbourg in particular and France in general.It is located in the center of Strasbourg and is named after the inventor of the first printing machine Johan Gutenberg where there is a huge figure representing his character in the square.

There are many recreational activities and events in the square, attracting thousands of tourists significantly annually because of its historical importance and fame derived from the artist Johann Gothenburg.

Things to do in Gothenburg Square
Wander around the famous Gothenburg Square, watch the statue of inventor Johann Gothenburg and enjoy the most beautiful photographs of downtown Strasbourg on a beautiful journey that will never be forgotten.

• During your tour near Strasbourg's Gutenberg Square, you can visit Strasbourg Cathedral, France's second longest cathedral, and tour the astronomical data displayed inside it, as well as religious calendars and many other details.

• If you love museums you can also visit many museums located near the square such as the Museum of Fine Arts and the Historical Museum and the Alsatian Museum and see many historical and archaeological exhibits.

Visit the historic Rohan Palace, one of the tourist attractions in France, which is located close to Gothenburg Square, where it dates back to the 18th century and includes inside many historical and artistic archaeological exhibits where you spend a fun time inside.

• If you have enough time you can enter the VOX cinema and attend a movie of the latest French or international films with friends to spend the most enjoyable times.

• After completing your tour of Strasbourg and Gothenburg Square, you can enter one of the famous restaurants or cafes there to take a break with your favorite drink or have a memorable lunch.